
[外语] 中学生外文读物推荐(原版电子书及相关MP3下载)

Hey guys
Some really nice stuff ur puttin' up there.
I got some books of my own that i'd like to share  with y'all
So listen up.

First of all the Wolf Brothers series,
It's a series written by Michelle Pavor which takes us back to the ancient times, when dark magic and soul eaters existed.

I'd like everyone to take a look at The Alchemist by Paul Coelho (blahh, hard to pronounce)
It's an inspiring story which tells the adventures of a young boy trying to fulfill his destiny, but learns the ways of the world, the natural laws, and even how to communicate with everything around him, including the hand that made it all. Very good book. Must read classic.

The Giver
It is an interesting tale of the future. It's protagonist is a boy named Jonas. The story is about him and his adventure after he was entitled the receiver of memory. This is a very short book but you can read it over and over again as you get older, and it would become more meaningful after each time

That's it for today
Goodnight folks

[ 本帖最后由 PATTISON 于 2009-8-21 20:23 编辑 ].


是我儿子推荐的。 他说的这几本是国外小学5年级看的,老师告诉他们这几本书随着他们年龄的增长,每次看每次都会有不同的感受, 确实是这样的。 他前一阵又看了
The ALchemist,  我们去书城找过中文版的炼金术士,  听书城工作人员说前几年作者来书城签售过书, 可惜书城已经没有那本书了, 后来在网上买到的中文版。.

