
[外语] 英语三星口语考试复习资料


    1. One morning, Grandpa took Tom to the kindergarten. Tom cried:" I want to go back home!"
    2. Teacher came out and smiled:"Let's go into the classroom."
    3. Tom saw many children singing and dancing in the classroom. He became happy.
    4. After a while, they went to the playground. They had a very good time there.
    5. At 4:15, Grandpa came to take Tom home.  Tom said happily:"See you tomorrow, Teacher!"

Set 2:
    1. One day, Jack and his parents went to climb the mountain.
    2. After a while, Jack said:" I am tired! Hold me, please. "
    3. His father had to hold him and went on climbing.
    4. Suddenly, Jack saw a little boy climbing by himself!
    5. Jack was ashamed and said:" I want to climb by myself too!"

Set 3:
    1. One day, Mum was cooking in the kitchen.
    2. Tom came in and began to play the kettle, the wok and the pan happily.  Mum could do nothing about it .
    3. Just then, the bell rang. Dad came in.
    4. Dad said:"I have a toy kettle, a toy wok and a toy pan for you, Tom!"
    5. Tom began to play with his toys happily.

Set 4:
    1. One day, Mr Li caught a bad cold.
    2. His students were worried about him.
    3. After class, the students discussed and decided to buy some medicine for him.
    4. After school, they went to the drugstore.
    5. Next morning, when Mr Li saw the medicine on the desk, he said excitedly:" Thank you very much."

Set 5:
    1. It was a rainy day.
    2. Lanlan went to school.
    3. Suddenly, the wind began to blow hard. Lanlan fell down on the ground.
    4. Just then,  Tom saw Lanlan and came up to help her.
    5. Lanlan said excitedly:"Thank you very much!"
Set 6:
    1. One day, a policeman was on the street.
    2. Suddenly, he saw an old man who was lost.
    3. The old man gave him a piece of paper. There is a telephone number on it.
    4. The police dialed the number.
    5. After a while, the old man's daughter came and said excitedly:" Thank you very much."

1. It was a sunny day.
2. Many people were in the park.
3. A young lady wanted to take a picture of picking flowers.
4. A little boy came over to stop her:"You can't pick the flowers in the park!"
5. The young lady was ashamed.

1. One day, Mr Li was walking his dog on the street.
2. He saw a dog holding a newspaper in the mouth.
3. He thought it was very interesting. So he bought a newspaper and asked his dog to hold it in the mouth too.
4. Then, they went home happily.
5. When Mr Li opened the newspaper at home, he found there was a big hole in the newspaper.

1. One day, Tom wanted to borrow some books from his grandpa.
2. He borrowed three thick books.
3. Grandpa was very happy to see Tom was interested in reading.
4. After a while, Grandpa went into the garden.
5. He was very surprised. Because Tom was standing on the books and picking the fruits!

1. One day, Mr Li was ironing his shirt.
2. His dog came and began to jump happily.
3. Mr Li was very interested in his dog's jumping and forgot what he was doing.
4. Suddenly, he smelt something burning.
5. He cried:"Oh, my new shirt!"

1. Mr Li was in hospitall. He liked to listen to the music on bed.
2. But his earphone didn't work.He became very sad.
3. The nurse went to the doctor for help.
4. The doctor played the violin for Mr Li.
5. Mr Li became happy at once.

1. People were watching a play.
2. Suddenly, a man came out and shot the actor.
3. The actor fell down. The actress was very afraid and shouted.
4. A nurse climbed onto the stage and listened to the actor's heart.
5. Then, she said happily:" It is OK. He is not dead!".




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