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标题: 美国跨洋2015寒假兴趣班报名啦! [打印本页]

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-14 11:56     标题: 美国跨洋2015寒假兴趣班报名啦!






1、科学:Planets and the Solar System 行星和太阳系

(主讲教师:Nancy Fisher)

Come and take a tour of the Solar System. This course will describe each of the planets in our Solar System, explaining what is unique about each one. Special attention will be given to our sun and moon, as well as the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. We will learn about strange objects called comets and asteroids, and about mysterious places like the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud.



(主讲教师:Nancy Fisher)

Each class will include hands-on work where you will practice the scientific method. Together we will perform chemistry, biology, earth science, and physics experiments and learn how to measure and analyze data.   You will learn how to design an experiment and present a science fair project, all while having fun!  See yourself in a video! So, get your lab coat and let’s get started!

每一节课我们都将通过动手作业来验证相应的科学方法。 我们会演示包含化学,生物学,地球科学和物理实验在内的所有范畴,并且学习如何测量并分析数据.你将学会如何设计并展现一个科学实验计划,这些都将充满乐趣!你还能在视频中看到自己哦!那么, 穿上你的实验白大褂让我们一起开始吧!

3、科学: The Ocean and its Animals 海洋和海洋生物

(主讲教师:Kristina Heit)

The ocean is full of creatures unlike anything we have seen on Earth’s surface! In this course we will learn about the ocean, its habitats and the animals that live there. From tiny plankton to giant predators, we will see how marine animals eat and grow. How babies are born and grow, and how ocean animals interact will also be a focus of this course.


4、科学:Kelly 的科学实验工场

(主讲教师:Kelly Hered)

How would you like to learn more about SCIENCE through watching, learning, and doing. We will start with easy science experiments and then move on to experiments with a bit more difficulty level. Overall, each session we will learn about the SCIENTIFIC METHOD while observing different experiment(s) to learn science basics. Students will keep a science lab notebook and learn about creating, testing, recording, and analyzing a scientific guess (or hypothesis) that they will make at the beginning of each of our experiment(s).


5、Kristina 的儿童读书会

(主讲教师:Kristina Heit)

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a spy, or a code breaker?  Perhaps, you like to solve mysteries or are good at finding clues.  If you are, you probably enjoy hearing about adventures and mysteries.  During this class, we will become familiar with young detectives, spies and adventurers that go on missions, adventures and solve crimes.  Do you think you will be able to solve the secrets and crimes before they do?


6、Sandra 的读书会

(主讲教师:Sandra Richards)

“如果... ,会怎样?” 你是否曾想过如果一群年轻人被困在一座岛上,在不受大人世界规则的强制下,他们当下或未来的理想社会生活将会是何种景象呢?抓住这次机会让我们一起来参观这些虚拟社会吧,他们的世界是更自由还是比我们当下的社会更拘束呢?这些都将由你来判断。

The Giver, 作者:Lois Lowry
Divergent, 作者:Veronica Roth
Lord of the Flies, 作者:William Golding

“What if…..?”  Have you ever tried to imagine what life would be like in a future ideal society, or even now, if a group of youngsters were marooned on an island, away from the usual rules imposed by adults?  Take the chance and visit these imaginary communities and judge for yourself whether there would be fewer restrictions, or even more than in our present world.  
Our book club list reveals how new societies arise, the qualities of character that shape them, and the choices that determine whether or not they will survive.  Are you ready to explore these brave new worlds?

7、英国 的地方和故事

(主讲教师:Sandra Richards)

了解英国为人熟知的和鲜为人知的历史遗迹的背后故事,参观伦敦塔、哈德良长城、阿尔弗雷德吹石、烈士纪念馆,波狄西亚女王纪念碑和Lock Ness湖,仅举几例。重温英国一些最令人兴奋的事件和过去的传说。我们的游程将比你想要的更多!

Learn the stories behind some of Britain’s best-known and little known historical sites. Visit the Tower of London, Hadrian’s Wall, King Alfred’s Blowing Stone, the Martyr’s Memorial, Queen Boadicea’s Monument, and Lock Ness, to name just a few.  Relive some of Britain’s most exciting events and legends of the past.  Our tour will leave you wanting more!

8、Holly 的读书会

(主讲教师:Holly Cole)

为什么总有一些人能成功克服他们有限的生活环境,摇身变成领袖,英雄甚至是诺贝尔奖赢家呢?究竟是什么样的性格特征帮助了这些人,甚至是国家打败其他对手最终取得成功的呢? 这些人又是怎样克服逆境并脱颖而出的呢?


I Am Malala 作者:Malala Yousafzai
A Long Walk to Water 作者:Salva Dut
Unbroken 作者:Laura Hillenbrand (The Young Adult Adaptation)

Why are certain people able to rise above their own limited circumstances in life and become  leaders, heroes, and even Noble Prize winners.  What character traits help some people, or even whole societies, succeed where others fail?  How do certain people find the strength to overcome extreme adversity and  not only survive in challenging situations and environments, but excel?

This book club presents the opportunity to get to know real people that rose above the limited circumstances they were born into and develop amazing lives full of accomplishment.  You will experience their hardships and gain an understanding of what it means to be a resilient person.  Come and hear their voices, learn about their actions, and see why the power of one person is enough to inspire change in the world.  Through perseverance and everlasting hope………..failure is just not an option!


(主讲教师:Robin Garrison)

你想上一堂既能学到知识又愉快的课吗?选这节课就对了。本课名为对比与反差. 由你来选择一个故事和一部根据故事改编的电影,在读完书和看完电影后,需要你分别写出书本和电影的异同点。这不难,但需要一定的专注力。你可以吗?

You want a class that is educational and enjoyable?  This is the one. It is called compare and contrast.  You pick the story and the movie and after reading the book and watching the movie you write the differences and the same between each one.  It’s not hard, but a lot of paying attention.

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作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-17 11:15

2015年寒假兴趣班Early Bird的兴趣课程比常规的兴趣班便宜60积分奥!欢迎早起勤勉的孩子们!

[ 本帖最后由 瑞藤教育 于 2014-12-17 11:17 编辑 ]
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-19 15:37

作者: 缘来是你1018    时间: 2014-12-19 19:25

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-23 12:52     标题: 回复 4楼缘来是你1018 的帖子

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-25 11:57

寒假班5-Kelly 的科学实验工场(1)名额已满!请同学选择其他班级。谢谢!
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-26 14:26

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-29 18:14

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-12-31 15:13

Hi,我叫David Parsons,我居住于充满阳光的弗罗里达州。我在当地高中教书三年了,对于写作,我满怀激情!我喜爱创造出与众不同的,充满力量的,并且令读者充满兴趣的故事。我也乐于学习不同的文化,还记得当我在英国剑桥大学深造时,我最喜欢做的一件事就是探索研究建筑。我的梦想是能走到世界的每一个角落。和孩子们一起上课是一件令我非常兴奋的事,期待我有幸在弗罗里达的这一头见到在世界另一头的你。
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-2 15:29

欢迎新同学Tom.Xu !祝贺他成功排课8年级社会学A单元!
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-7 13:07

作者: 飞过的彩云    时间: 2015-1-7 13:26

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-9 10:02     标题: 回复 12楼飞过的彩云 的帖子

作者: 观风    时间: 2015-1-9 10:26

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-13 14:07     标题: 回复 14楼观风 的帖子

家长你好!我们的寒假班是一共8次课,一次课90分钟,常规兴趣班是420美元,Early Bird兴趣班是360美元。
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-13 14:10

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-17 10:10

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-20 10:44

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-21 14:33

Congratulations to Stella Zhu, Mark Cheng, Ivy Education’s Student of the Month!
Teacher Michelle Baughan:
I would like to nominate a candidate for student of the month: Stella Zhu! Stella is always exemplary in not only her academics - but her attitude as well! Stella is a truly STELLA-R student worthy of this award!

Teacher Robin Garrison & Lucca:
I would like to nominate Mark Cheng for the Student of the Month. Mark did awesome job in the last few month. He made great improvement. At first he hardly understand teacher's instruction. But now he can manage by himself. He can read three stories and answered teacher's questions without any help. And we all love his Christmas gift- a video of him playing a Christmas song on the piano!
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-1-25 08:45

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-6 10:36

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-7 19:38

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-8 10:34

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-10 15:13

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-11 11:00

2位学员同时获得 2015年1月的 Student of the Month
Congratulations to Cindy Fan, Luna Li, Ivy Education’s Student of the Month!

Teacher Michelle Baughan:

I would like to nominate Cindy Fan as a candidate for student of the month. Cindy is a remarkable little girl who has grown leaps and bounds while working with  the reading eggs program. Both her English vocabulary and her pronunciation as well have improved immensely over the last couple of months. This reward would mean a great deal to both her and her mother - as they have both worked very hard along with me for these improvements!  GO CINDY!!

Teacher Holly Cole:

My nomination for student of the month is Luna Li. She's amazing. Luna has done what is required of her and much more!  I assign her SAT vocabulary words to learn on a weekly to biweekly basis and we are reading an historical fiction novel, The Golden Goblet. She read the novel in its entirety and answered all of the discussion questions while on winter break with her family in Greece. Her ancestors are from a humble background, farmers. She is bright, gifted with linguistics, extremely hardworking and will undoubtedly make her country proud. I can't say enough good things about Luna. She inspires me to get up in the morning.   I nominate Luna❤️
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-12 11:07

2015美国大学排名榜单 普林斯顿超哈佛
  根据最新的美国新闻和世界报导(U.S.News) 2015美国大学排名榜单,普林斯顿大学和威廉姆斯学院分别再一次被评为美国最好大学。

  1. 普林斯顿大学
  2. 哈佛大学
  3. 耶鲁大学
  4. 哥伦比亚大学
  4. 斯坦福大学
  4. 芝加哥大学
  7. 麻省理工学院
  8. 杜克大学
  8. 宾夕法尼亚大学
  10. 加州理工学院

  1. 威廉姆斯学院
  2. 阿默斯特学院
  3. 斯沃斯莫尔学院
  4. 韦尔斯利学院
  5. 鲍登学院
  5. 波莫纳学院
  7. 明德学院
  7. 卡尔顿大学
  8. 克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院
  8. 哈弗福德学院
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-14 21:21

女孩问男友: 为什么英文的排列是ABCDEFG?
男友回答: 因为 A Boy Can Do Everything For Girls。(一个男孩可为女孩付出一切)
He Is Just Kidding. (他是开玩笑的)
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-15 11:08

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-16 09:14

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-27 09:12

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-2-28 13:00

Nancy老师的Space Science科学课

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-3-2 09:06

图片附件: Julia妈妈的微信截图.jpg (2015-3-2 09:06, 111.82 KB) / 该附件被下载次数 2

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-3-3 09:37


作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2015-7-1 10:05



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