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标题: [欧美] 编剧关于Will死亡致粉丝的公开信 [打印本页]

作者: 晓枫姆妈    时间: 2014-3-26 12:53     标题: 编剧关于Will死亡致粉丝的公开信

一直在追《the good wife》,昨天看了最新一集,潇洒的Will突然挂了,太突然,以至于以为自己剧情错过了什么。但上网后铺天盖地的帖子,才知道发生了什么。

绿子 (杭州) 2014-03-25 19:57:02

Dear Loyal Good Wife Fans,

We, like you, mourn the loss of Will Gardner. And while Will is gone, our beloved Josh Charles is very much alive and remains an integral part of our family.

我们和你们一样哀悼Will Gardner的离开。虽然Will死去了,但是我们挚爱的Josh Charles(Will)还是充满活力的,并且是我们大家庭中不可分割的一员。

The Good Wife, at its heart, is the “Education of Alicia Florrick.” To us, there always was a tragedy at the center of Will and Alicia’s relationship: the tragedy of bad timing. And when faced with the gut punch of Josh’s decision, made over a year ago, to move on to other creative endeavors, we had a major choice to make.

《傲骨贤妻》的核心是Alicia Florrick.的成长。对我们而言,Will和Alicia的关系一直是一个悲剧:错误时间的悲剧。Josh一年前决定去发展更有创新性的事业,面对这样沉重的打击,我们需要做一个重要的决定。

We could “send him off to Seattle,” he could be disbarred, or get married, or go off to Borneo to do good works. But there was something in the passion that Will and Alicia shared that made distance a meager hurdle. The brutal honesty and reality of death speaks to the truth and tragedy of bad timing for these two characters. Will’s death propels Alicia into her newest incarnation.


Death also created a new dramatic “hub” for the show. We’re always looking for these turning points—some event midway through the season that will spin everybody’s lives in new directions. These turning points keep the show from slipping into a numbing sameness, and keep the characters fresh: because you see how they react to a completely new status quo. Will’s death in many ways becomes a hub for the whole series, violently spinning everybody innew directions.


Finally, we chose the tragic route for Will’s send-off for personal reasons. We’ve all experienced the sudden death of a loved one in our lives. It’s terrifying how a perfectly normal and sunny day can suddenly explode with tragedy. Television, in our opinion, doesn’t deal with this enough: the irredeemability of death. Your last time with the loved one will always remain your last time. The Good Wife is a show about human behavior and emotion, and death, as sad and unfair as it can be, is a part of the human experience that we want to share.


Thank you for listening...and watching and caring and inspiring us to rise to the level of your passion and intelligence. There are seven wonderful episodes to follow this season and Josh will be directing one of them. We think you will enjoy them. It’s not all tears -- there is comedy too. Michael J. Fox is back for four episodes. Dylan Baker. Dallas Roberts. Stockard Channing, as well as amazing new guest actors. And of course, Julianna does some of the best work of her life. Archie, Christine, Alan, Chris and Matt as well. Life does go on.

感谢你们的倾听和观看,感谢你们的关心和鼓舞,使得我们能够上升到你们的心智层面。接下来还有7集,Josh将会导演一集。我想你们会喜欢接下来的剧集。并不都是眼泪,也有欢笑。Michael J. Fox会回来4集。Dylan Baker. Dallas Roberts. Stockard Channing,还有很多惊艳的新演员。当然Julianna(Alicia)做了些她这辈子最好的作品。Archie, Christine, Alan, Chris and Matt都是如此。生活还要继续。

We’ve always taken as a guiding principle of this show that drama isn’t in the event; it’s in the aftermath of the event. We think you’ll find that true of this episode


Thank you for your devotion to the show – we are continually grateful.

With all our thanks,
Robert & Michelle King.
作者: 比邻    时间: 2014-3-31 17:06

作者: 晓枫姆妈    时间: 2014-4-1 19:16

作者: 晓枫姆妈    时间: 2014-4-1 19:17

作者: 苹果梨    时间: 2014-4-2 18:36

作者: 晓枫姆妈    时间: 2014-4-3 15:33     标题: 回复 5楼苹果梨 的帖子


作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-5-2 20:50

“drama isn’t in the event; it’s in the aftermath of the event”


看到Will G.意外死亡,很是感觉突兀,我第一反应就是演员Josh肯定要离开本剧,编剧不得不给他一个了断。哈哈,果真。

喜欢Julianna,那天看一个她在David Letterman show的视频,放到演ER时的照片,那时她真年轻,跟George Clooney搭档。也把我一下子拉回到2000年左右的记忆,一晃十好几年了。George都52岁的大叔了,要结婚啦,呵呵。.

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