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标题: [其他] 从华德福高中毕业后的生活 [打印本页]

作者: 柠檬香    时间: 2008-5-23 03:45     标题: 从华德福高中毕业后的生活

2008-05-18 20:07:40   来自: 圣地亚哥 (福州)
  自己在认识华德福教育后其实就一直有个疑问:虽然华德福学校能提供包括幼儿,小学,中学一系列的教育环境,但高中毕业之后,这些学生又何去何从呢?看完恩腾先生的这篇文章后,我的疑虑打消了。尽管这个报告还只针对美国,在那华德福教育已经有了比较深的根基。相比之下,国内的华德福教育还处在“幼苗”阶段。但相信,在热爱这份教育事业的人们的努力下,华德福必将带给中华真正的福气。 以下是自己尝试翻译恩腾先生的这篇文章,其中没有什么翻译技巧,只希望可以和大家一同分享。
  Excerpted from "Life After Waldorf High School" By Abraham Enten
  "Education Toward Freedom" is one of the most important principles of Waldorf Education. Many schools use this phrase as a motto or as a key principle in describing themselves in brochures and other public material.
  When Waldorf educators speak of "education toward freedom," they refer to the development of individuals who are, out of their own inner strength, able to forge their own destinies and find their rightful places in the world. For parents, one of the most important ways in which this "freedom" can be manifested is in their Waldorf-educated child having more, rather than fewer options in their post-Waldorf educational life.
  In my work as a consultant to schools, I find this to be one of the most important issues about which parents need reassurance. "If I move, will my child be okay in a public school?" "After eighth grade, how will she do in a non-Waldorf environment?" are often-asked questions.
  在我担任学校顾问的工作中,我觉得哪些父母需要保证是其中一个最重要的问题。 “如果我要到别处去,我的子女会适应公立学校吗?” “八年级后,她将会在一个非华德福的环境中表现得如何?” 这些问题都常常被问及。
  And now, with more than twenty Waldorf high schools operating in North America, the question has become, "If my child goes to a Waldorf high school, will she be accepted into the college of her choice?"
  For several years, AWSNA has collected information about "life after Waldorf high school" from the various high schools in North America. I would like to look at the information about college and university admissions for Waldorf students.
  如今随着二十多华德福高中在北美成立,问题已经成为, “如果我的孩子去一所华德福高中,她会不会被接纳进入她所选择的大学呢?”
  多年来, 北美华德福教育联盟已经从北美地区各个高中收集到关于 “离开华德福高中后的生活” 的资料。我想看看有关学院和大学录取华德福学生的情况。
  The information covers the years 1993-99. It is restricted to students from the United States. During this period, more than 1100 students graduated from Waldorf high schools. Of these, 78 percent immediately entered college after finishing high school. An additional 10 percent were planning to attend, but were delaying their entrance for a variety of reasons. Thus, almost 90 percent of all Waldorf high school graduates during this period continued their formal education after finishing Waldorf high school.
  这份资料涵盖了从1993-1999年的情况, 且只针对来自美国的学生。在这期间,超过1100学生从华德福高中毕业。其中,78%的人在毕业后就立即进入大学。另外有10%的人计划入学,可基于各种原因而推迟入学。因此,在这个时期有超过90%的学生在从华德福高中毕业后继续他们的正规教育。
  In this context the crucial question is not whether Waldorf graduates go to college, but, rather, "Where are they accepted and where do they go?"
  The simple answer is, "Everywhere." They go to schools from Amherst to Yale and from The University of Maine to the University of California at San Diego.
  They go to local community colleges and to elite Ivy League universities. The top students go wherever they want, and the ones who struggle go wherever they can. Some go to design school or to schools that concentrate on music or the visual/performance arts. Some even go to West Point. The California graduates are accepted at every campus of the university system and the students in other states attend public universities in their areas.
  It is important to point out, though, that schools of a certain type actively seek out Waldorf graduates as potential students. These are some of the top strata "liberal arts" universities and colleges. They appreciate the cultivation of thinking and individual initiative that takes place in a Waldorf environment. Waldorf students consistently are accepted and attend schools such as Sarah Lawrence, Vassar, Bard, and Oberlin, as well as St. John's College and the Claremont Colleges in southern California...
  The gifts that a Waldorf high school education can bring are of benefit to the individual and the community. It is gratifying that the value of this educational experience has been recognized by so many leading academic institutions. As the number of Waldorf high school graduates continues to increase, we are hopeful that these individuals will grow into positions of leadership and responsibility in which their education can play a role in their positive work in the community and the world.
  參考: ... icle_highschool.asp



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2008-05-20 14:16:04 雾里看花   看到这些,我们这些华德福的追随者就放心了。


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