
[数学] 求解 - 加拿大Grade 7 Enhanced Program 数学题

求解 - 加拿大Grade 7 Enhanced Program 数学题

The Mother's Day Birthday Puzzle

Rosalie's little brother Connor was born on May 11, 1997,which was Mother's Day. Mother's Day is the second Sunday of May every year.
By the time he is 80, how many times will Connor's birthday have been on Mother's Day?



No one answer?




偶要先学蝌蚪文,心里慌慌 .


I solved it!!!!!!!
It will happen 13 times in his whole miserable life
we found the pattern of adding 6 then 11 then 6 then 5 then 6 then 11 then 6 then 5 then 6 and so on tothe original year that he was born in.



sorry, I got it wrong!!!!

I thought he would be breathing as long as 85 years,but he will only breath for 80 years.

well, 12 then!!!
12 is the answer

hoping it's correct,


As we know,there are 365  or 366 days every year.
365/7=52...1, 366/7=52...2
It means 2 days earlier each 4 years
Then the circle is 28 years,he has 4 chances
And there 4 chances also at his last 24 years
Totaly 12

sunday on May 11 1997,age 1
monday on May 11 1998,age 2
tuesday on May 11, 1999,age 3
thursday on May 11, 2000,age 4
friday on May 11, 2001,age 5
saturday on May 11, 2002,age 6
sunday on May 11, 2003,age 7
tuesday on May 11, 2004,age 8
wednesday on May 11, 2005,age 9
thursday on May 11, 2006,age 10
friday on May 11, 2007,age 11
sunday on May 11, 2008,age 12
monday on May 11, 2009,age 13
tuesday on May 11, 2010,age 14
wednesday on May 11, 2011,age 15
friday on May 11, 2012,age 16
saturday on May 11, 2013,age 17
sunday on May 11, 2014,age 18
monday on May 11, 2015,age 19
wednesday on May 11, 2016,age 20
thursday on May 11, 2017,age 21
friday on May 11, 2018,age 22
saturday on May 11, 2019,age 23
monday on May 11, 2020,age 24
tueday on May 11, 2021,age 25
wednesday on May 11, 2022,age 26
thursday on May 11, 2023,age 27
saturday on May 11, 2024,age 28
sunday on May 11, 2025,age 29.




thanks guys,but is there any other way to solve it instead of counting every year?

btw,the answer is 12.


Counting every year is just to check and confirm.
Fortunately,the year 2000 has also 366 days.

