
[外语] 杨浦区三年级今天英语统考答案


听力部分: 40%
一 听录音,选出听到的句子。10%
1.        Is that the fruit shop? Yes, it is.
2.        What are these? Dumplings.
3.        May I have a teddy bear for Christmas?
4.        I like my skirt very much.
5.        Where are the twins?
1. B                2. A                3. B                4. A                5. C
二 听录音,选出听到的单词或词组。10%
1.        Look! That building is a bank. How tall!
2.        What’s in the box? Biscuits.
3.        Is this your spoon? Yes, it’s mine.
4.        I like Western food. It’s delicious.
5.        Can you play football? Yes, I can.
1. B                2. B                3. C                4. A                5. C
三 听句子,给图片编号。5%
1. I can stand on my head. Can you stand on your head?
2. This is my red packet. I like Chinese New Year.
3. -Whose birthday is in January?
-My father’s birthday is in January.
4. -Which is your favourite insect?
  - I like ladybirds best.
5. I’ve got a pet. It sings very well. It is my good alarm clock.
四 听录音,选出恰当的应答句。5%
1.        Thank you so much.
2.        When’s your birthday?
3.        I like that model racing car.
4.        Help yourself, please.
5.        Is it the Spring Festival or Christmas?
1. A                2. B                3. A                4. A                5. B
五 听小对话,选出恰当的答案。5%
1.        Girl: How are you today?  
Boy: Not very well.
Girl: What’s wrong with you?
Boy: I’ve got a fever.
Question: Is the boy fine?
2.        Girl: Tony, is that your sister?
Boy: Which one?
Girl: The girl in blue.
Boy: Yes, she’s Mary, my little sister.
Question: Is the girl Tony’s sister?
3.        Girl: I can’t run fast. Can you run fast, Tony?
Boy: Yes, of course. Watch me.
Girl: Wow, so cool!
Question: Can the boy run fast?
4.        Girl: What smells nice? Dad, what’s for tea?
Man: We’ve got spring rolls and dumplings.
Girl: Great!
Question: What’s for tea?
5.        Girl: Whose is this eraser? Norman, is this your eraser?
Boy: No, it’s not mine. It’s Sandy’s.
Question: Whose is this eraser?
1. B                2. A                3. A                4. B                5. B
六 听短文,判断句意,对的用T表示,错的用F表示。5%
I have got a good friend. He is a boy. His name is Sandy. He is 12. We are in the same grade. But we are not in the same class. He is in Class Five, Grade One. I am in Class 2. Sandy’s sister is a pupil, too. Her name is Alice. She is 13. We are all good friends.
1. T                2. F                3. F                4. T                5. T
书面部分: 60%
一 正确抄写下列词组和句子。7%(略)
二 判断下列单词划线部分是否发音相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。4%
1. √        2. ×        3. √        4. ×
三 按要求写出单词。8%
1. knives(单数)knife                        2. plates(单数)plate                        3. star(复数)stars
4. sandwich(复数)sandwiches        5. butterfly (复数)butterflies                6. 7. 8.(略)
四 选择题。10%
1. A                2. A                3. A                4. B                5. B                6. A   7. B   8. B   9. B   10. A
五 选词填空。 7%
1. have got, is        2. are        3. is, can                4. are, can
六 改写句子。 10%
1. My mother can’t/cannot/can not cook.        2. That is a fork.        3. Have you got a nice skirt?
4. Who is she?                        5. When is your/my birthday?
七 按实际情况回答问题。8%(略)
八 阅读短文并判断。6%
1. T                2. F                3. T                4. F                5. F                6.T

[ 本帖最后由 saakotao 于 2009-1-7 14:42 编辑 ].




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